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Nomination Form


  • All nominations must be submitted within the timeline outlined within the call for nomination notice for each position. Self-nominations are acceptable.
  • All nominees will be required to verify their candidacy by completing and returning the Willingness-to-Serve form. You may be asked to contact the person you nominated to present this form if you provide inaccurate contact information.
  • Please contact the person you are nominating and obtain their most accurate contact information before submitting this form. This will greatly reduce the time the Local Secretary spends trying to contact your nominee.
Your First name:
Your Last Name:
Your Employee #:
Your Email Address:

Name of Nominee:

(Enter the person's name you are nominating for a position)

Nominees Phone #:

(Enter the contact phone number for the person you are nominating)

Nominees E-mail Address:

(Enter the best contact email for the person you are nominating. DO NOT USE COMPANY EMAIL ADDRESSES. NO UNION COMMUNICATION WILL BE MADE TO @wnco.com or @l3harris.com DOMAIN.)

Nominee's Station:

Position of Nomination:

Enter the name of the AMFA position you are nominating this person to serve. (ex. Shop Rep, Area Rep, President, etc.)

If there is not an open call for nominations for the listed position, your nomination will not be accepted.

Before submitting your nomination, please ensure the accuracy of the contact information contained on this form. Thank you!

6102 S. Archer Ave. #102
Chicago, IL 60638

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